Everyone’s Goals Are Different

Getting caught in the comparison trap never ends well. This often leads to negative self-talk and unhealthy behaviors. Before you start comparing your goals and progress to someone else’s, remember — everyone’s goals are different, even when it comes to weight loss. We all have different genetics, different metabolisms, and different goals, which is why we’re challenging old mentalities and rethinking weight loss.
Plus, you never know what is going on internally. Even if someone appears to have your “dream body,” their outward appearance only says so much. Are they struggling with body image or health issues? How is their mental and emotional state? Are they naturally slim?
The opposite holds true as well — someone with a larger build could be healthy as ever!
Most importantly, focusing on other people’s goals could make you forget your own. Just because your favorite influencer is working out twice a day and cutting carbs doesn’t mean you should too.
Ask yourself why you started and define your purpose. From there, create actionable steps that are sustainable in helping you achieve your long-term goals! Start rethinking weight loss and develop a plan that works for you.
Weight Loss is Much More Than Calories in Calories Out

It’s time to debunk the old-school calories in versus calories out theory. The idea that weight loss means eating fewer calories than you burn promotes unhealthy eating habits and a restrictive mindset. Plus, this theory suggests eating 500 calories worth of Oreos is better for weight loss than eating a nourishing, nutrient-dense 800 calorie meal. Let’s think about this, shall we?
Of course, calories are an important factor, but they are only one piece of the puzzle. And, not all calories are created equal. Different foods affect your body in different ways.
So, why should you start rethinking weight loss when it comes to this theory? Let’s talk about the quality of food.
Protein, for example, has a higher thermic effect than other macronutrients — meaning protein burns more calories than carbs or fat. So, eating 300 calories of protein is much different than eating 300 calories of cookies! Plus, protein further helps weight loss goals by promoting lean muscle mass.
Furthermore, the type of food you eat can impact your satiety levels. 150 calories of fructose-filled candy increases the hunger hormone ghrelin, leaving you hungry an hour later. A nutrient-dense snack like turkey and avocado, on the other hand, will supply your body with healthy fats, fiber, and protein. While these snacks may be the same calorie count, the latter will keep you feeling fuller for longer, making you less likely to overeat.
So, when it comes to rethinking weight loss, focusing on the quality of the food you eat rather than the quantity may be most beneficial for both your mental and physical health!
Eating Too Little Can Backfire

Ditch the diet mentality — starving yourself is not the solution! While overeating can lead to weight gain, eating too few calories can deter weight loss goals too. If your body isn’t getting the proper nourishment, it may try to protect you by slowing down your metabolism and holding onto weight. The result? The few calories you do take in are stored as a means of protection, and a decrease in metabolism means fewer calories burned.
Rethinking weight loss starts with focusing on nourishment rather than restriction. If you’re trying to shed some weight, fuel your body with the proper nutrients while gradually reducing your calories — it’s all about balance. Extremes are not the answer!
We Can’t Always “See” Results

Progress isn’t always linear, and long-term changes won’t happen overnight! Even with consistent effort, we may not be able to “see” daily (or weekly) results in the mirror — but, that doesn’t mean we’re not making progress! Whether your goal is to lose weight or build muscle, keep in mind, it takes slow and steady progress.
Remember, this is a journey. Plus, there are other important factors to consider!